What to Expect
All guests are welcome to join us for Sunday services every week at 9:30am. We believe and teach that true worship is receiving from God His promised gifts of life, salvation, and the forgiveness of our sins. We then respond with thanks and praise for His gracious gifts. Worship at Messiah is joyfully reverent and sacramental. The Lutheran Service Book (LSB) is used for liturgy and hymns.
We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Messiah practices closed communion. Guests who wish to commune are kindly requested to speak with the Pastor prior to the service.
Lutheran worship encourages participation of the whole mind and body to point us to Christ. You may exercise Christian freedom in participating in these church traditions throughout the service:
Processional Crucifix: Services begin and end with the procession of the crucifix. Congregants stand and face the cross as it moves down the aisle in remembrance of Christ’s saving work on the cross. On festival days, the Gospel is read from the center of the aisle to symbolize the centrality of the Gospel in the life of the church. The congregation stands and faces the Gospel processional in the same manner.
Chanting: The liturgy is chanted by the pastor and congregation. Follow along if you are able or simply listen if this is unfamiliar to you.
Sign of the Cross: Certain points in the liturgy are marked in the LSB with a red cross, which is an invitation for congregants to make the sign of the cross along with the Pastor. This serves as a reminder of our baptism into Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Doxological Hymn Stanzas: When singing a final hymn stanza that praises the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the congregation will stand. Doxological stanzas are marked with a triangle in the LSB.
Stained Glass
The Salvation Story stained glass windows enhance worship with the beauty and grace of color and light, communicating the truth of Christ and His Gospel through the symbols, and enriching our understanding of God’s saving work throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Music & Organ
Praising God with instrument and voice is a vital part of Messiah’s congregational life.
The adult choir rehearses once weekly and regularly enhances our worship services.
The children’s choir practices during Sunday School and periodically sings for worship.
Messiah’s cherished Flentrop organ accompanies congregational worship every Sunday. See the Organ Recitals page for the schedule of upcoming recitals and information about the musicians.
There is designated accessible parking and wheelchair accessibility for those who need it, as well as large-print bulletins and hymnals.